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Monday, September 19, 2011

I'm SO bad at technology!

So I am continuing to have issues posting onto other people's profiles, so I thought maybe posting my comments to others' blogs on my page would suffice until I get this whole thing figured out. I'm sorry that I stink at working with technology :(

To Amy:
"By giving the students the ability to collect data, develop predictions and descriptions, and learn about different objects used when dissecting, everyone stays engaged and a variety of learning styles are addressed." I loved this quote! You really knocked it out of the park with that comment because you recognized the various ways to learn (which can often get lost in all of the other ideas bouncing through our heads when it comes to lesson planning!) as well as talked about the students like they were REAL scientists; they collect data, analyze their results, and so forth. I never thought, before this class, that students could have ANY idea of what a scientist really does...I always thought we were just playing make believe. But using those terms and treating the students like real scientists, as well as planning the lesson to be realistic, is the key to engaging students in an activity and feel that it is meaningful. As well, there is no better way to learn then through actual experimentation, which you noted in your blog.
To Hannah:
I love the idea of the new menu items! It challenges students to think about chemical changes in their everyday life. And I loved that you asked what wouldn't work, as well.
Be Blessed,


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